Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Daily Links 4-30-14

Your daily roundup of interesting links from around the web. In today's edition, habits we need to break, making men cry for 25 years, George Washington's greatest weakness, and more.


20 habits to quit in the next year. This is quite a list. There are quite a few that I need to break. I have a hard time picking which one to start on first.


Answering the important questions: why don't more pitchers throw submarine style? It is interesting that such pitchers are rarely seen today.


Why we are obsessed with Will and Kate (and that's not a bad thing):

In a world where families are falling apart, where choosing family life is abnormal, we need positive examples. And while it’s true that Will and Kate had every opportunity offered to them, they still had to make choices. They chose to marry. They chose a religious and reverent ceremony. They chose to have a child almost right away. And they’ve chosen to let the world share in their happiness.
And in doing so, they give young families everywhere a little boost. We’re not alone, we’re not insane. We may not alight the steps of private jets in stilettos and Alexander McQueen, but behind closed doors we deal with the same struggles: nap schedules, picky eating, nursing challenges, sleepless nights. 
We are equal in our struggles, but equal in our joys, because every child is a prince or princess in the eyes of God and deep down, every parent knows this. And that’s why every parent is secretly delighting in seeing Will and Kate make family life look worth it in a world that says it’s not.

It's the most unlikely of classic films but somehow Field of Dreams is now considered a classic after 25 years of making men cry (myself included) - tip of the cap to Cut4


15 ways to fix everything with toothpaste (hat tip: Glenn Reynolds)


Though George Washington was a man of great statute and accomplishment he had one glaring weakness: his teeth.

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